Friday, 3 September 2010

God Holds us! We don't hold him!

Isa 41:13 For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you,"Fear not, I am the one who helps you."

I go through bad times, times of disappointment, times of sadness and many other different times and seasons.

Sometimes I wonder whether I even have hold of God at all? This is a fear that recently has been removed. As a sinner, wretch and terrible person in every-way will let go of God and leave the Father I claim to love. My heart lies and deceives me.

However here in Isaiah, God is the one who holds Israels hand(and ours), not the other way round. Yes we stumble and fall, ran a million miles away and hide from God. But it is him who holds the hand. Not us!

Security in the Father is real! He holds us! What joy!

See the video below, (please forgive the cheesy photos.)

Talk to yourself, but don't listen to yourself?

This is a weird saying of the Dr(Martyn Lloyd Jones).

He says how different we would be as Christians, if we just spoke to ourselves instead of listening to ourselves.

The Psalmist speaks to himself,
Psa 42:5 Why are you cast down, O my soul, and why are you in turmoil within me? Hope in God; for I shall again praise him, my salvation...

Do we ever do this? I mean people think that speaking to yourself is the first sign of madness? In fact I would argue its a sign of Godliness!? (You may disagree)

Brothers and Sisters, let us preach to ourselves the glories of the Gospel and wonders of what God has done!

Acceptable Legalism.

The War against sin is also a war against legalism. Why do we want to be like Jesus? Because of the Joy that awaits us in doing so? The Glory it brings to God? The Smile of God upon us?

I would argue that all of the above are not wrong, but miss the first stepping stone.

Surely we do everything out of grateful hearts to God?

I believe that whatever we do for God should be out of response for what he has done for us? How often to do we do this?

We should wake up in the Morning and Proclaim "I am a New Man/Women", created in Christ Jesus!

Not to wake up and think, "I must do....... to have a good day"

Brothers and Sisters, let us put nothing in the way of thanking God in our lives, no matter how Holy or Good they might be. Lets just thank and praise God, the rest will follow!

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Jerry Bridges on Grace

Your worst days are never so bad that you are out of the reach of God's grace. And your good days are never so good that you are out of the need of God's grace.
Jerry Bridges, Discipline of Grace.

I think sometimes we need to move away and kill the Good Day and Bad Day style of living. We need to remember that God treats us according to his Grace in Christ Jesus. There is nothing we can do as his Children, to make him love us less or more. Just because we had a great day does not mean we deserve his blessings. The same is also true, that when we have a bad day we don't deserve his blessings and need to earn it. We never deserve anything from God, but because he is rich in Love, Mercy and Grace, he gives us all things.

So whenever we ask for something, remember that we ask according to Grace, never works. How much more joyful we would be if we approached our God who sits on a Throne of Grace, instead of coming to the god satan creates in our mind who sits on a Throne of Works!

Thank you Father that by your grace we are free to call you Father and ask for things!

Friday, 13 August 2010

Getting the Jesus fix!

The day has come, the last Cafe of Mission in Sunny/Rainy old Bournemouth Town.

However one thing has struck me rather a lot this week about the so-called "Jesus fix".

What is the Jesus fix you might ask? Well I would describe the Jesus fix as:-
"A time or moment in which you feel great about a situation that's enabled somebody to hear and respond to Jesus"

A good thing? Yes, no maybe?

Well, it in itself is great and we should rejoice when somebody responds to Jesus, and invites him into their lives as Lord and Saviour.

But...! The catch! Do we just love the feeling or fix of this moment? Are we taking our joy from good experiences instead of the giver and creator of Joy himself(Jesus).

There is a story in Luke's gospel about people who follow Jesus doing great things, and in this case driving out evil spirits. The followers of Jesus are greatly rejoicing in the power they have. But Jesus tells the off for this! He says, "Don't rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in Heaven."

I think we can take a lesson from this. Are we taking our Joy from things that are not God himself? I would argue it is ok to take joy from the work God does, but not to base your whole joy on these. Simply because they are fickle and momentary, whereas Jesus is constant and eternal. Enabling us to have Joy at all times! we like the quick Jesus Fix, or are we looking to the Joy that lasts forever?

Wednesday, 11 August 2010

Knowing Love?

Recently I have been on the job hunt, and had some interviews, good discussions and conversations about possible employment. All things that should bring me encouragement. However, alas, the further I go the more discouraged I get.

The long drawn out waiting on God is almost at a point of being unbearable. I wait, yet still there is no blessing. I pray and the Heavens remain silent. I cry to Abba, and the voice of support booms no response.

I understand that I live a very blessed country, full of food and treasures of various worldly natures. To this end I believe I am grateful.

David Pickard, an OMF missionary came to speak about East Asian Cultures today, to which I might add was great. However the phase he said that struck me most, was no about Asia. It was about the "realness" of the Gospel of God.

Is it real? Does it work? These were the questions people in Thailand were asking and I think its a question many ask about God and his word/gospel.
Does it work?

He told many stories of God's power working in Asia and wonderful miracles happening all over the place! This was a delight and it got me thinking about the UK and little old me.

Does it work here?

With this job hunt, I've been facing many horrible times of despair and grief in my unemployment and even questioned my purpose, or use in this world. thing remains, a truth that I believe proves the Gospel works.

I am convinced of the Love of God, through Christ, and that God Our Father loves me as much as he Loves the Son of God. If this is true, then the plan and purpose of my life is one destined and controlled by the Fatherheart Love of God.

I may not been in as much pain as Jesus when he cried "Abba Father", but if Our Father let Jesus go through that because of his Love, then why should my life be any different. Granted, Jesus was going to suffer the Wrath of God for the world on the Cross, but still it was because of Love.

Therefore no matter what we go through, no matter the silence of Heaven we encounter, no matter what suffering and trials we face, we know that the Love of God as Father in Christ will be our greatest Joy, both here and in Eternity.

Without the Gospel my despair could be without hope, yet because of the Gospel it is with Glorious Hope and Assurance of Knowing God as Father and his infinite Love for me!

The Gospel Works!

The God who declares himself the "Great I AM" has my life in his hands!

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Parental Teaching by Father God

Today I was reading Proverbs 3 and thought this.

Proverbs 3:11-12
My son, do not despise the Lord 's discipline or be weary of his reproof, for the Lord reproves him whom he loves, as a father the son in whom he delights.

This Scripture has taken a front seat in my thinking recently. It was reinforced again with Jerry Bridges' teaching on Holiness and how God continues to treat us as Children in sanctification.

God's discipline is not because God is angry with his Child, it is still down to Grace. The things he does to us or allows the world to do to us is still because of his Unmerited Favor towards us.

Jesus has taken the punishment, all of God's anger is spent. For the Child of God that is. But because the Father loves us so much, he wants us to be changed. What type of Love would God have if he didn't want the best for us? The best for us is to be made like Christ.

Whatever situations in life we go through, we should view them as the Father loving us and wanting us to be like Christ.

Paul puts it better than me,
Romans 8:28 And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.

His purpose to make us more like Jesus. Surely this should make us excited? But my experience seems to suggest that other.

I despise the discipline of the Lord most times. But I think if we look at the fact its Love and Purpose led. Surely then we should rejoice!?

The context of this verse is in conjunction with trusting the Lord and looking to Him. So I think the author would expect us to be in situations were we are trying to trust God in life, but things are hard and its not going our way. So therefore because the discipline is led by Love, we should continue to trust in God. So hard times and good times, they are all sent and ordained by the Love of God?

My goodness this really blows my mind and encourages me. I hope it helps you too.

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

The World's Fastest Indian

The World's Fastest Indian with Anthony Hopkins is one the greatest films ever made.

It's a story of man who has a dream to break the Landspeed Record in a Motorcycle that is super old and rather unique.

Burt Munro a super old coot from New Zealand, who lives in a shed sells all his has, in order to travel to Utah and the Salt Flats.

A story of friendship, love and hardships. A man who is determined to fulfill his dream and as he says "I want to do something big".

Burt is stuck in a modern world with old fashioned mechanics. People thinks he is nuts, but he is determined and...............well you will have to see.

I think we could all learn something from Burt, and be determined in life and we as Children of God, living for God and being determined to live for God, no matter what happens.

As a Christian I think I got a lot from Burt's character. He is a man who trusts people, even though he has never met them. He always looks for the best in people and treats Humans like Humans and not dogs. He is a man who cares and wants to share his life with everybody. Why can't we do this?

Burt has no reason to share he life with people, but we as Children of God do! We are meant to share our lives with all people, this is what Jesus did.

SO I want to be determined like Burt trying to Break a Record but in living for God in all things!

Tuesday, 29 June 2010

So you think you are Rubbish?

Rubbish? Failure? Useless? Pointless? Redundant? Out of date? Do you feel that you can't write a good essay? Can't get a job? Nobody notices you? People praise everybody else but you? Ugly?

So do these ring any bells? I can't expect everybody to feel rubbish, but I do expect people to feel rubbish sometimes. Considering the world we live in is scary, broken and full of evil. Yes there is love here too, but it is shadowed by the evil that prowls the land like a roaring lion, waiting to devour someone.

If you look at the emotions that I've listed above and feel like any of them, ever at all. Do you feel like that after looking at somebody else? Or do you feel like that when you just look at yourself. To be honest most emotion and ideas about ourselves are fueled by other people. Not by them directly, but by us making them into something we compare ourselves against.

There was once a Story called the Prodigal Son. It was a story Jesus once told. If you've never read it, then type 'Luke 15 prodigal son' into Google and click the first link.

Taking the idea of comparison, I want us to use this story. The boy leaves with all the money belonging to the Father and lives a life of drink, sex and food. Then after he sees he has made a mistake, he returns home to beg forgiveness.

When he returns the Father runs to meet him, embrace him and kiss him. The Father is so happy to see him and orders a feast.

There is however another Son, the brother of the Prodigal. He compares himself to this brother and says to the Father "Why do you love him so much and not me. You never threw me a party and I work so hard for you all the time". See what he is doing? He is comparing himself to his Brother. He might be a righteous and good guy, but he compares himself. This brings the feelings of bitterness, anger and despair. When to be honest, the Father loved him just as much. He didn't see this though.

As a Child of God, the Father loves you, not more or less than his other Children, but the same. So next time you are tempted to compare yourself to others, take time to think of what the Father thinks of you. Then you will not care or even desire Man's praise. For man's praise is sinful and temporary. But God's Praise is eternal and true.

We all need to preach this to ourselves, because bitterness can lead us away from God, which is Hell.

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Lloyd-Jones, Thinking and Faith

This is an extract that I came across on John Piper's Desiring God site. It is a snippet of Jones' thinking on Faith. How is thinking related to faith?

The following passage is from Jones' teaching on the 'Sermon on the Mount'

Faith, according to our Lord’s teaching in this paragraph [Matthew 6:25-34], is primarily thinking; and the whole trouble with a man of little faith is that he does not think. He allows circumstances to bludgeon him.

That is the real difficulty in life. Life comes to us with a club in its hand and strikes us upon the head, and we become incapable of thought, helpless and defeated. The way to avoid that, according to our Lord, is to think. We must spend more time in studying our Lord’s lessons in observation and deduction.

The Bible is full of logic, and we must never think of faith as something purely mystical. We do not just sit down in an armchair and expect marvelous things to happen to us. That is not Christian faith. Christian faith is essentially thinking. Look at the birds, think about them, and draw your deductions. Look at the grass, look at the lilies of the field, consider them.

The trouble with most people, however, is that they will not think. Instead of doing this, they sit down and ask, What is going to happen to me? What can I do? That is the absence of thought; it is surrender, it is defeat. Our Lord, here, is urging us to think, and to think in a Christian manner.

That is the every essence of faith. Faith, if you like, can be defined like this: It is a man insisting upon thinking when everything seems determined to bludgeon and knock him down in an intellectual sense.

Thursday, 24 June 2010

Westminster Confession - Chapter 12: Of Adoption

All those that are justified, God vouchsafes, in and for His only Son Jesus Christ, to make partakers of the grace of adoption, by which they are taken into the number, and enjoy the liberties and privileges of the children of God, have His name put upon them, receive the spirit of adoption, have access to the throne of grace with boldness, are enabled to cry, Abba, Father, are pitied, protected, provided for, and chastened by Him as by a Father: yet never cast off, but sealed to the day of redemption; and inherit the promises, as heirs of everlasting salvation.

Monday, 21 June 2010

Orphans in the Universe

He who consciously or unconsciously has chosen to ignore God is an orphan in the universe.......
Emile Cailliet

All who ignore God are Orphans. Not all people are Children of God. People must understand that Jesus wants people to come and know the Father, who is personal, intimate and full of compassion. Jesus does not want converts who express a repentance to a Distant and Cold divine Being, to whom nobody knows. NO! Christianity is Knowing God the Father through Jesus Christ by the Holy Spirit!

Saturday, 19 June 2010

The Inner Ring, C.S. Lewis.

The Inner Ring is an essay by the great CS Lewis. It addresses the idea a Human pursuit for inclusive meetings. The race to be included, known and recognised. Better yet, to be Heard, Seen and Cared about all at the time. It is a goal, in the modern English to be in the "In Crowd", the "Cool Kids" or worse even "The Group!". Lewis calls "The Inner Ring" by other names also, like, "We" and "Sensible People". But what are these? Simple. They are close collections of people who band together in search for uniformity and certainty. Certainty of course here means a confirmation that you, as you, or me are relevant and worth our atoms of existence.

CS Lewis writes, "Some people are obviously in and some are obviously out, but there are always several on the borderline." I want to discuss the emotions and views of those on the border and those on the 'outside'. Also why we do it? What it also can become.

To be on the outside, Lewis says "From outside, if you have dispaired of getting into it, you call it “That gang” or “they” or “So-and-so and his set” or “The Caucus” or “The Inner Ring.” Yet even though this might be the case, we all most indeed want to be inside the Inner Ring. I must say that the Inner Ring from my perspective is a collection of people, not an individual. We want to be in the crown and avoid the single group like a Malaria Invested Tribe.

We spend lifetimes trying to enter the Inner Ring. But why? I think as Lewis does, so that we can be free! Free from Fear, rejection and purposelessness. Groups provide this. Especially groups that are set apart and different. The crave for us to be Unique is satisfied here. But Lewis and myself would argue that the loss of originality and identity can be the side effect of Inner Ring Membership.

I like Lewis do not hold to the idea that the Inner Ring is evil, sometimes they are needed for accountability and secrecy. But in their use for Identity and self worth, I would argue on this matter, they are Evil.

Searching to be in an Inner Ring for purpose is evil. In our search for the Inner Ring Membership Lewis says we "may already be compromised. I must not assume that you have ever first neglected, and finally shaken off, friends whom you really loved and who might have lasted you a lifetime, in order to court the friendship of those who appeared to you more important, more esoteric." So in this vain search we lose the gift of single intimate friendships. The single person can be more interesting than a Nation of people! So why do we not see this. Simple. The Inner Ring is by natural consequence, bigger, therefore more noticeable, resulting in an ego.

Therefore we must avoid the Inner Ring at all costs if they are to destruction of the unknown and less interesting members of the room. Lewis says "And if in your spare time you consort simply with the people you like, you will again find that you have come unawares to a real inside: that you are indeed snug and safe at the centre of something which, seen from without, would look exactly like an Inner Ring"

So in conclusion since the Inner Ring is not meant to be a place of Identity or security, only God can do this. The Inner Ring will fail and we blindly will look for another, unless we belong to the Only good Inner Ring, that is the Church. So I end with a warning from Lewis. "The old ring will now be only the drab background for your endeavor to enter the new one."

Let us not be blind in searching to enter a Inner Ring for meaning. Let us seek the single and individual to know then the World will be one Inner Ring, good and perfect.

To read the full article "

Friday, 18 June 2010

"If you don't get Adoption, then you don't get Christianity"

"Our understanding of Christianity cannot be better than our grasp of adoption... If you want to judge how well a person understands Christianity, find out how much he makes of the thought of being God's child, and having God as his Father. If this is not the thought that prompts and controls his worship and prayers and whole outlook on life, it means that he does not understand Christianity very well at all."

J.I.Packer, Knowing God.

Monday, 14 June 2010

Praying your Heart.

Suffering and Depression is common illness that many if not all feel during their momentary life here on Earth. But if you are a Child of God. There is hope! God is your Father and Divine Parent. A parent who takes you in! A parent who wants to train you in righteousness and justice. He wants you to be like your Big Brother, Jesus. All things that happen to you are for the good. Not for our advancement in life, but for our advancement in becoming more like Christ. This is the best thing that you could want or ask for! Do you agree with me?

I have gone through some bad stuff and still do and will do! But I remember my Heavenly Father, who I dare to call Abba Father, or Close Dad! I dare to approach the throne of Grace and ask for help! I boldly claim the Crown through Christ my own! We as his Children are in the Throne-room of Heaven, closer to the Father than you could ever know!

But my question for us as Children is this. Do we treat Our Father as Father or scared to approach because he is 'Holy Holy Holy' What if I told you both are true! Yes God is Holy Holy Holy, but he is also Father, close and personal!

God asks you this question.....
"Am I a God at hand, declares the Lord, and not a God far away?" Jeremiah 23:23.

What is your answer? How do you know him? Close or Far? He tells you he is close!

So let's be honest with our Father, let us no longer mock him by not telling him what is on our hearts! Because he already knows! But he wants you to trust Him in spilling your heart to him today and forever! God listening to you is like a sweet smell to Him! If you dare to think your prayers aren't sweet to God, then remember this...
"Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar before the throne." Rev 8:3

I leave you with a prayer from Canon Bob Smith, a man who prayed his Heart! Let us do the same...........

Son of Man, tempted at all points as I am, yet sinless, I turn in desperation to you. I feel so hemmed in. The tunnel of life before me is black and has no exit. I am so frustrated, so utterly imprisoned. The future is one of unrelieved gloom, an endless prayer-wheel of sameness, a mere joyless, soulless existence!

You Lord, you seem so distant and far away, unmoved by and uninvolved in my plight! To feel your absence is the deepest Hell, the unkindest cut of all. O God my rock, why have you forsaken me? Why must I be at the mercy of my enemies?

Lord, you know me as no other and you fully understand me. This I believe, despite all my doubts. Divine Deliverer, I want to grasp the nettle of my depression. I long to be freed from my narrow-eyed calculation, my loveless, merciless criticism; my ugly suspicions; my engendered unforgiveness; my consuming bitterness; my deep sense of hopelessness. Most of all, Lord, my consuming fear of being unwanted, unloved and rejected!

Son of Man, flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone, have mercy on me. Help me to receive in the right spirit of haunting, devastating depression. Assist me as I face these unwelcome experiences of life which come to me with your permission, or are sent to me under your direction.

Son of Man, who knows me, loves me, cares for me and who alone can help me, I come - I come to you!

Sunday, 30 May 2010

Preaching the Love of God to yourself.

Recently one of my heroes, Mr Andrew Page, has been leading us through Hosea. To which I might add is absolutely fantastic. God's Love and his commitment to us as His people is astounding.

This Sunday (30/05/2010) I heard about the Love of God, again. Every-time it is as if somebody has just given me dose of drugs. It is such a rush, because the Love of God is divine.

So I thought, how could I preach the Love of God to myself all the time? Jerry Bridges another one of my heroes tells us to Preach the Gospel to ourselves every morning! Do we do this? I found that telling myself Colossians 3; we are Chosen, Holy and Loved helps.

But I want to Preach the Love of God to myself everyday too. So I thought with Hosea in mind, I would try to construct something.

Andrew when preaching kept repeating some ideas, which I think help us to do this. Israel rebelled against God, they gave themselves to idols. This is not just having Idols, but they in short had sex with them. They were this involved with them. Israel went after many lovers, and this broke God's heart. Hosea 2:13. Whenever we Christians or not go after other gods. This being Jobs, Status, Sex or Money, we break God's heart. We smash his love straight back in his face. Imagine your Girlfriend/Boyfriend or Husband/Wife goes and has sex with loads of different people.

How would you feel? Do I need to tell you?

God made Hosea marry an adulterous wife, so he knew how God felt.

God is hurt when we turn our backs on Him. We break his heart! How does this make you feel? I wouldn't hesitate to say that perhaps I turn my back on God everyday.

But I gets worse, because when we do this, we basically 'forget' God. In Hosea 2, God speaks about Israel going after lovers and forgetting him. Do we leave God out in the cold? Do we forget him? Have you ever been forgotten? How does that make you feel, or did make you feel? After what God has done for you. Created us, gave us life, died for us and rejoices over us, we forget Him. Its terrible.

So if we remember this as a story of who we are, everyday. Let's look at God's response. Because Jesus took our judgment, rebellion and punishment on the Cross, God treats us in a way that can only be described as Divine.

As we run away from God and forget him, God does something amazing. He woos us back or allures us back. Hosea 2:14.

Even though we leave God and forget Him. He comes back to us, he comes looking for us. He is the one who starts the wooing. Not us. God looks and seeks for the adulterous wife and forgetful people. He comes looking for us and loves us so much that He would die for us, even though we forget about Him and sleep with Idols!!!! What divine love is this? How can this be? God is committed to us as his people.

This is only one story mixed with others of God's Love. But I urge us to preach this to ourselves daily! It will draw us to worship!!

If you don't think you are a Child of God, or part of the people of God. Then I urge you to come to Jesus. He promises that anybody who comes to Him he will not turn away. If you have been forgetting God today or all your life, God still wants to know you and for you to know Him. He wants you to know his Love. A love that can change the very life you have!

Let's preach God's Love for it is Divine and beyond comprehension.

Monday, 17 May 2010

God will not forget you.

Yesterday, I went to St Helen's Church, London. After walking in and getting used to all the coffins in the place and memorial plats on the walls, we sat.
The sermon that night was taken from Isaiah, chapter 49.

Isa 49:14 But Zion said, "The Lord has forsaken me; my Lord has forgotten me."

So does God forget, are we fools that wait for the coming of Jesus only to be left waiting here on this earth perhaps forever?
No the servant shall return, and we shall not be put to shame.....

Isa 49:23 ........those who wait for me shall not be put to shame."

God holds us in his arms as His Children, for that is what we are Sons and Daughters of Almighty God, through Jesus Christ.
He tends and spare us, all our hopes and fears he know. In his arm he gently bear us. So therefore as dearly loved Children of God, let us wait for the coming of the Lord and forbid any thought that Yahweh will forget us and our needs on Earth; and banish any thought of Jesus not returning. Because............

Isa 49:15 "Can a woman forget her nursing child, that she should have no compassion on the son of her womb? Even these may forget, yet I will not forget you.


Irenaeus on Adoption

With my studies on Adoption, I came across a very complex yet however amazing quote from a guy called Irenaeus, an early church theologian. He is commenting on the signigicance of the incarnation has to being Adopted as God's Children. I wanted to share it with you. Read it slowly and maybe twice, since it is not the easiest to read.......

"For it was for this end that the Word of God(Jesus) was made man, and He who was the Son of God became the Son of Man, that man....recieving the adoption, might become the son of God. For by no other means could we attain the incorruptibility and immortality. But how could we be joined to incorruptibility and immortality, unless, first, incorruptibility and immortality had become that which we also are, so that the corruptible might be swallowed up by the incorruptibility, and the mortal by immortality, that we might receive adoption as sons."


Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Reading Revelation 20 in the Light of the New Testament. By David Anthony.

A very interesting Article by David Anthony. I thought I would share it with you.

Problems with pre-millenialism and a case for reading Rev 20 in the light of how these terms appear elsewhere in the New Testament.
By David Anthony, March 2010

The key passage in question is Rev 20v1-6. Wayne Grudem rightly states in his Systematic Theology that “it is unwise to base such a major doctrine on one passage of uncertain and widely disputed interpretation.”
It is much healthier to try to build a picture of the end times from the non-Apocalyptic / non-symbolic books of the NT and then read the symbolism of Revelation in the light of that.
Some key questions to ask Pre-Mills:-
1) Who says Jesus is “reigning on Earth”? The passage doesn’t.
2) Why do you take the Millenium as literally a thousand years when you don’t take the 144,000 literally?
3) Why do you not take literally the fact that it says only those who “have been beheaded for the testimony of Christ” will reign with him? Why does this first subtly get changed to “all Christian martyrs” and then this again subtly slips into “all believers”? The passage clearly says “those beheaded”. There are absolutely no rules to your hermeneutics at this point. Some things are literal, some are not, all to back up your case.
4) Why does “meeting him in the air” when he returns from (1 Thess 4v17) get lifted out of the context of the rest of 1 Thess and turned into a whole theology of the rapture etc. when 1 Thess makes clear Jesus returns once to bring final judgement and usher in the new creation?
The real danger for Pre-Mills is that if you are expecting Christ to reign on Earth for a thousand years, you are encouraging Christians to trust and worship someone on Earth claiming to be the Christ. In 2 Thess 2 Paul warns of the deception of people claiming to be the Christ (following Jesus’ warning in Mark 13v21-22). The AntiChrist himself in 2 Thess 2 will claim to be the Christ and rule from the new temple. Who is most likely to worship him? Is it not Christians who believe in Pre-millenialism – they are expecting a Christ to rule on the Earth prior to the final judgement!
Postmills and Amills expect Jesus’ return to be in utter glory and to wrap up this fallen world. No one will mistake him as he returns in glory and brings wrath on all unbelievers there and then (1 Thess 1v10). Postmills and Amills can avoid falling for the deception of the AntiChrist by obeying the simple rule – “anyone on earth claiming to be the Christ isn’t”!!!
So how are we to understand Rev 20?
The millenium
Well the first issue is “what does the millennium refer to?” The first millennium in the Bible was the length of time King Solomon’s temple lasted.
It was completed in around 970BC. Malachi 3v1-3 predicted that the Lord himself would turn up to examine his temple – but who will be able to stand that day? It predicted a messenger who will prepare the way. Malachi 4v5 says this forerunner will be Elijah.
Mark 1 begins with John the Baptist turning up and wearing the same clothes as Elijah – see 2 Kings 1v8. He does indeed prepare the way for Jesus.
Jesus is the Lord and by Mark 11 we see him approaching the temple. Malachi has given us the expectation that he will examine it. What is his verdict? The Jews have turned it into a den of robbers. This incident is sandwiched between the cursing of the fig tree incident. Just as Jesus looked for fruit on that and found nothing so he cursed it and it withered – Jesus looks for spiritual fruit in the temple and finds none – so we expect him to curse it and it to wither. Following even more opposition to him from the Jews in Ch12, Jesus does curse the temple as we expect in Ch13v2. The discussion in 13v1 is all about the temple stones and Jesus warns that not one stone will be left upon another. This is a reference back to Levit 14v39-40. There the priest was to inspect a house with mildew on the walls. If the mildew is still there after 7 days the stones of the house are to be torn down and cast outside the city. Jesus is the great high priest who examines the house of the temple and has found it with spiritual mildew. He is now promising that it’s stones will be cast down. What date was Jesus saying this? Circa 30AD. = 1000 years after it was completed. When will the stones be torn down? In Mark 13v30 (remember the context of the discussion is about the temple) he says this will happen within “a generation”. Biblically a “generation” as with the generation who died out in the wilderness was 40 years.
So we see the temple lasts approx 1000 years. Which suggests the Millenium is to do with the temple. What 1000 year millennium could Revelation 20 be referring to? The NT temple = the church.
What repeating storyline do we expect?
With the first temple Malachi told us the Lord himself would come to visit. This he did in Jesus’ first coming, 1000 years after it was built and he found the temple wanting – hence it was destroyed.
God builds a new temple – the spiritual temple of the church – this time Jesus will return but instead of finding it wanting Rev 21 tells us he will find it as his spotless redeemed bride who we marries / a city fit for him to dwell in. Again we would expect this to be after a millenium, but numbers in Revelation are symbolic - here for "a long time".
So the millennium in Rev 20 is the period of the NT church temple being built. That began at Pentecost and will carry on until all the elect are gathered. (Mark 13v27)
So the devil being bound for this thousand years is referring to the church age where the church grows throughout the world, less hindered by the devil.
So where do the beheaded martyrs coming to life and reigning fit in then along with first resurrections and second deaths?
Well this is a perfect example of not reading Rev 20 in isolation from the rest of the NT. What else do we find about “heads” and “reigning” and “resurrections”? John didn’t just pluck this out of the air and create a brand new theology. No this dovetails perfectly with everything Paul teaches in his letters.
1st Resurrection
In Colossians 2v12 Paul tells us that all Christians have been “buried with (Christ) in baptism, in which you were also raised with him”. There it is crystal clear – all Christians have already gone through a death and resurrection- we have “come to life” (Rev 20v4) i.e. the blessed first resurrection of Rev 20v6. Death in the Bible is primarily spiritual – not being in right relationship with God. So coming to life = being in relationship with God. i.e. All Christians have been spiritually resurrected from the dead.
Non-Christians have not gone through this spiritual death and resurrection in Christ – so they will have to suffer death as a punishment for their own sins rather than be united to Christ’s death and so be forgiven.
Look on to Colossians 2v19 where Paul warns the false teachers “are not holding fast to the Head”. All the way through Paul’s letters e.g. 1 Cor, Ephesians, he refers to Christ as the Head and the church as the Body.
Was Christ always our head? No. Adam was our first head. But now as Christians we are united by faith to our new head – Christ. What do you call someone who loses their first head? “Beheaded”.
Hence John is not creating some Elite Business class section of heaven where there is a special privilege for martyred Christians or beheaded Christians. No he is using symbology (as he does all the way through Revelation!!!!) to talk of simple spiritual truths. All Christians have been beheaded from Adam. John is talking about all Christians being beheaded (when they got converted). We now have a new head and reign with Christ in the church age – the millennium.
So where does reigning come in? (Nowhere in Rev 20 does John say Christ is reigning on Earth, yet this gets slipped in neatly by Premills.) Rather John’s emphasis is on us reigning with Christ. Where does Christ reign from? Heaven. John is not saying anything new here. Paul in Col 3v3 says we are hidden with Christ in God. In Ephesians 2v6 we are “seated with him in the heavenly places in Christ Jesus”. And in Romans 5v17 it says all Christians “reign in life through the one man Jesus Christ”. This last one is critical. It is not saying Christ reigns. The wonder of the gospel is that we reign through him too. When is this? Now according to Romans 5. Paul’s whole argument is that we are no longer slaves to sin, but reigning in life now, free to live to please God.
So again when John talks about reigning in Rev 20 he is not talking about the future. He is talking of the church age, where all Christians reign with Christ in the spiritual realms (hence why we have authority in prayer etc.).
Rest of the dead
So Rev 20v5 where it says “the rest of the dead did not come to life until the thousand years were ended” is simply talking about non-Christians. They are dead from God’s perspective. Again this is nothing new. Eph 2v1 says “And you were dead in the trespasses and sins…” These non-Christians whether they are the walking dead or the dead dead, will be raised to new life at Jesus’ return in judgement – in order to serve their eternal prison sentence in hell in their new bodies.
Rev 20v 6 ”Blessed and holy is the one who shares in the first resurrection! Over such the second death has no power, but they will be priests of God and of Christ, and they will reign with him for a thousand years.”
John is just declaring the gospel here in v6. You and blessed and HOLY if you have shared in the first resurrection – i.e. been united to Jesus in his death and resurrection by faith – that is how you become holy. The simple gospel.
Second death
Over such the second death has no power. This is the wrath to come. Death has lost its sting for Christians – for us physical death just ushers us into being with Christ forever!
“They will be priests of God” = exactly how Peter describes all Christians in 1 Peter 2v9. Again John is not talking of some elite class of Christian.
Do you see how time and again John is not saying anything new but just repeating the same gospel preached by Jesus and all the other apostles in the NT?
Do you see how we safeguard ourselves from all kinds of strange confusion by reading the non-symbolic NT letters and getting our systematics and doctrine clear from them, before we try to delve into how John talks of the same things using symbolism?

Baptism of the Holy Spirit?

The Holy Spirit at a Glance
The Holy Spirit is God. He is a Person. He is God’s presence on Earth. He loves us. There are many aspects of the Holy Spirit that seem to be muddled and confused and this has been the case since the dawn of the Christian Church.
Is there any controversy? I think yes? Should there be? No, of course not. I think personally that even though there is controversy; but yet we still see clear workings of the Holy Spirit in the Church and the Wider World, is evidence that God’s plan for Salvation is unhindered by us. It’s a clear sign of grace to us as Children of God. I plan to discuss briefly the facets of the Holy Spirits Ministry, both areas with wide mainstream agreement and disagreement. The danger some ideas bring, and the glories of others.
Firstly, the Holy Spirit is a great gift. Not only to Christians but also Non-Christians. The Holy Spirit gives life, both New Life (John 3:6-7) and sustaining of old/first life (Ps 104:30). He gives and sustains life, both for the Child of God and for the Unregenerate. No matter how ignorant some may be of God in creation, and that it displays his glory, it is truth.
When we become Christians, I believe we are sealed with the Holy Spirit immediately. This is a direct result of a true repentance and being Born Again. (Eph 1:13-14, 1 Cor 12:13) Now I plan to return to this argument later. Whatever your opinion on receiving the Holy Spirit, we cannot argue that it is He who sanctifies and brings forth the purposes of God in our lives. (Tit 3:5, Rom 8:28-29). We are washed and we are sanctified in the Spirit (1Cor 6:11). As Children of God we now have the will and power(Spirit) to resist Sin and no longer be slaves to it, (Rom 6:12-13). We all as true Christians will be sanctified by God. From what Paul says in Romans, we are to continually fight against the power of Sin and no longer will ourselves to it. It is a continual process; in fact it is lifelong process. A process not ending till the LORD returns, a process of continual striving to be Holy, (Heb 12:14). Now we come to our first disagreement. Many argue that we can attain sinless perfection on this earth and use seemingly Biblical contexts to enforce this. “Perfect as the Father is Perfect” Matt 5:48 and “No one who abides in Him sins” 1 John 3:6. Here are just two prominent verses that suggest perfection must be obtained here on earth. But lets have a look closely as these. Jesus in Matthew is clearly showing us the level we should be aiming at. It is the level that God will hold us to account. Just because we can’t meet it, does not mean the bar should be lowered. The same goes for Paul when he writes to the Churches. It’s the goal he desires them to reach. If it were possible to achieve ‘perfection’ in this life, then surely the whole Christian Church should be a deemed a ‘write off’. John also says the same, but paraphrasing it, he is saying, “No one who lives in him keeps on sinning”. He can’t go on in sin. Also if this was to prove sinless perfection, surely then John would be contradicting himself or better yet lying when he writes, “If we say we have not sinned, we make him a liar, and his word is not in us” 1Jo 1:10. Also as a conclusion James, the brother of Jesus I might add states this in his Epistle “We all make many mistakes” Jam 3:2. If the brother of Jesus can say this, they we can jolly well too. The very fact of denying this boasts us to a level pride beyond all others. So therefore sinless perfection is not Biblical, but it is an aim we all should have as Children of God and strive to obtain it, knowing full well it will be complete at the Throne.
So…. what part do we play? Are we passive or active? First let us look at the role of God. It is He who sanctifies. “May the God of Peace himself sanctify you wholly” 1Thess 5:23. God also disciplines us as his Children, (Heb 12:5-11). Also finally Paul writes to the Philippians “God is at work in you, both to will and for his good pleasure” Phil 2:13. God is at work in us, changing our very hearts, souls, minds and wills. What about us? What part do we play? To be honest the answer is that we are both to be passive and active in this. We are dependent on God to do this work in us, but striving also to obey the Word of God at the same time. Paul writes to the Romans that we should “Yield ourselves to God……….” Rom 6:13. Also “If by the Spirit you put to death the deeds of the body you will live Rom 8:13. We to be dependent on God to help us achieve these fatal blows to Sin in our lives. Subsequently many would use this as an excuse to be completely passive. Yet if we look closer at Romans 8:13 again, we see the word ‘You’ pop up. So by the Spirit we put to death the deeds of the body. Here in this verse is direct scriptural evidence of Us and God working in partnership to achieve sanctification and become more like Jesus; to which this is the final goal of God for his Children (Rom 8:28-29). We are to as Children of God to abstain from evil since “For this is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality…….” 1Thee 4:3. We are to walk in Spirit (Gal 5:25), we too be in communion and to hold close to Him, fixing our eyes on Jesus the author and perfecter of our faith (Heb 12:2). We are too cleanse ourselves (2 Cor 7:1) and make every effort (2 Peter 1:5) to grow in godliness, to put on the character of God with Love, Hope, Joy and Forgiveness etc? The language used by both Peter and Paul here suggests, toil and endeavor. It is a hard process, but we have the very Spirit of God within us. God himself, the creator of the Universe lives with us and works with us in this task. God has moved in to live with us John 14:23. God is now decorating, he has chosen the colours of the walls, (Snow White, pardon the pun), are to help paint the walls with him. We get tired and weary. God does not. The work of Sanctification is partnership and a glorious partnership it is. From whence came in the stench of Sin, He in his great Love and Mercy chose to fix rather than destroy.
Gifts are given to Christians for the equipping and encouraging of the Churches Ministries across the world. This area is probably the most variant in the working of the Holy Spirit. Every Christian is given one or more Spiritual gifts 1 Cor 12:7,11. See to it that Paul states in 1 Cor 12:4-5 that there are many gifts for different acts of service. The gifts are to be used in terms of service, not for selfish gain.
So God in his wisdom has assigned gifts to men. The gifts are different and varied, to build up the Church and advance the Kingdom. This is why some may ask or note that the Spirit can and does work in different ways. I would argue however that he uses the Body of Christ in different ways. He himself remains the same, the unchangeable God. He purposes remain the same. So the answer to the above discussion, The Holy Spirit works in different people in different ways, is true in the essence of his gift allocation, but anything else noted to be different I would be sceptical off. So yes, works in different people in different ways in terms of gifting.
Baptism of the Holy Spirit
This is most likely to be the strongest of the controversy, in terms of what this is? Does it still happen? Is it Biblical? Baptism of the Spirit is considered an event that happens post conversion. Prayer, evangelism, worship and study have become more exciting and alive. They argue that Jesus’ disciples were born again before Pentecost and I would agree. Also Jesus in Acts 1:5, said that they would be baptised with the Holy Spirit. So what is the argument for this? Basically people in the Church today, particularly in the Pentecostal and Extreme Charismatic Movement would claim to have this ‘second’ experience. Most if not all would claim to have a “Deeper Presence and Excitement” and this ‘second’ experience. This is being achieved through deep commitment to God in prayer. A result of a true heartfelt repentance and an asking for God to change them deeply and passionately. A heartfelt cry to God for transformation. Now this is a good and great thing, and surely if all this happened in a true heart state of mind; then of course a deep love and fellowship with God is going to happen! But I would argue still, it is not a ‘second’ experience. I believe it is a filling, I shall however come back to this. But why did this happen to already born again believers in the first century? Whilst the disciples were with Jesus, the Holy Spirit would not come to them. Jesus tells them is in Jhn 16:7 "Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you”. The Holy Spirit will not come unless Jesus goes to the Father and is send by Jesus. So the disciples were in a unique position, unlike any of us. The same goes for Pentecost; for both Jew and Gentile were there. This happened so that then people would know Joel’s prophecy had come true and the Holy Spirit was outpoured on all people. There was no divide between men anymore. Logically then the Apostles being he highest authority in the Church, under Christ, they in an act of God’s providence were able to pray for the Spirit to come upon people. There is a danger of the Doctrine of Baptism of the Spirit, simply because it promotes a two-class Christianity; the Baptised Christians and the Ordinary Christians. This is scandal and robbery of the Christian Gospel and the famous verse “There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither slave nor free, there is neither male nor female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus”, Gal 3:28. There is no baptised and non-baptised Christian all are one Christ Jesus. Do you see the scandal and potential damage this two tier Christianity can do? Paul concludes the argument by saying “For in one Spirit we were all baptized into one body--Jews or Greeks, slaves for free--and all were made to drink of one Spirit”, 1 Cor 13:13. The word all is repeated twice, we ALL have been baptised into the Spirit. There is no special Baptism. There is however filling! This is the mix up I believe the enemy has inflicted upon us to disrupt unity and love between us. I believe that ‘second’(or third, forth and hundredth) experiences can be described with what Paul says in Ep 5:19-20 when he writes about being Filled with the Spirit. He also says to be continually filled, suggesting a repeat experience, often resulting in further sanctification. In Acts 4:8,23, we see this repetition happening. Peter was filled with the Holy Spirit, and then again later filled once more. It is a repeated event to which I believe is the common misconception with Baptism, since we all all Baptised anyway, but we become more and more filled with the Spirit. Already full of the Spirit, yes, but more as we are able to hold more. The same goes for a balloon, it is full of air, but can hold more air, but it is still full; so you expand the balloon to hold more air, both times the balloon is full of air.
In conclusion I believe therefore that the statement “The Holy Spirit works in different people in different ways; the controversy over His work and place in the church arises out of the work he is doing” does indeed work in different ways according to the allocation of gifts, but in other ways I would argue not. I do understand that I did not take into account the grieving or quenching mentioned in Eph 4:30 and 1 Thee 5:19. I do accept that this affects the working of the Spirit, but only purely down to our sin and rebellion. His work is the same and always has been; Conviction of Sin, repentance and faith in Christ and Sanctification. No matter what vocabulary is used to describe this, this is the working of the Spirit. The very fact and truth that He works even when we describe what is happening in a wrong way His grace is massive and His love remains and therefore resulting in His mission staying the same. Praise God.

Monday, 19 April 2010

A Ponder on New Word Alive

New Word Alive is over for another year. Wayne Grudem and Jerry Bridges are on their very delayed volcano disturbed flights home. But even though the Big Head Christian Speakers are leaving. The Living God is not. He is risen and he is Here! He is Close to His Children and He Loves us very much.
As I look back on the week, I wasn't sure what to write or even what to ponder on? Sounds silly doesn't it? But I guess what I would like to say is this. As his Children, God does not treat as our sins deserve, he treated his Son as we deserved and us as his Sons. What a joy! What a truth! He will not leave us as Orphans! As I fumble and cry, I know He is faithful and true. Lets not waste our lives, let us remember grace. Let us treat our ministries as Precious Stones. Let us remember we hold in our hands the very word of God, it is our deepest treasure and richest gain. For by the Word of God we are made alive.
I hope to post an interview on here soon, so check back later.

Sunday, 11 April 2010


The Best Film of 2010?!

Really? I must say that this opinion of mine here has evolved over the last few days. Purely due to that amount of support it has gained from the Christian Audience. I do run the risk of sounding hypocritical about this, so I say with hand on heart that I do NOT plan here to condemn any Christian who enjoyed the film.

Yet......we have issues. Firstly personally one of my favourite films is a Film Called "One Hour Photo". This film has grose and disturbing SeX Scenes and Stalker shots. Yet however the story, message and ambiguity of the film is top of its class. But.....does the very nasty scenes black label this film? I think not, so surely what is the point of this post for Kickass?

The film is not sold or marketed as a Drama or Thriller, it is a Action Comedy, to which it is fully in it's right. I am annoyed and shocked to hear that people say this film deals with "Complex Issues". At least three people have suggested this. I think this is wrong and horribly justified.

I would agree that their are issues, such as the Batman Wannabe Father literally projectile vomits his lust for revenge and murder upon his child daughter. To whom might I add is completely messed up and twisted to the very extreme. So yes the issue of laying your sick burdens on children will have catastrophic consequences.

People will argue that there are more issues, yet they are few and far between. Not even worth another sentence. We come now to the main attraction of the film. The violence. People love it. Now again I do enjoy some violent films, some even to the point of weird. But Kickass is a whole different ballgame. I can safely say that any film with child abuse or sexual violence is a no go, Kickass is not to this extreme, but it does have a problem with child representation in a violent manner. Kickass is however the personification of this apathy to the wonder of Childhood innocence. Kickass' main character is a child with exceptional fighting, defense and martial art skills. Again nothing wrong with that. The girl however is shown as a mass killer, foul mouthed and abusive control freak. She was robbed of all innocence and dignity.
Jesus says in Mark "But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone hung around your neck." Now the context is those who believe in him, I understand this. Also the girl actor might not be a Christian, but I think we can read into this that the value Jesus places on Children is titanic. Children should not be in this type of role at anytime. EVER!

I have the same issue with films such as the Exorcist, at least this film was banned for a substantial amount of time.

Please do not misunderstand me, Kickass was a funny film with enjoyable bits. But I do think people should wake up to the Child exploitation of this genre. Since this is the case in Kickass, I cannot ever recommend any person on this living Earth to go and see it.

Saturday, 10 April 2010

Job Interviews

Here is a little bit on what John Piper might say to someone who is job hunting or applying for a Job.

Monday, 5 April 2010

Worn Men

A man was on a train, he was reading his Bible, trying to seem if anything in this book was real or better yet vaguely believable? One day as he was reading about the Crucifixion of Jesus two men came into the same carriage cart as he. They were young, yet seemed like they lived for decades more. They were close, a friendship that only few ever witness or blessed to be part of. They sat in silence, as if waiting for something. But we just don't know what.
The other man after finishing or reaching the maximum of his ability figuring out these two men, returned to the crucifixion.
Suddenly one of the young men started fitting, throwing himself about all over the carriage. His friend acted like this was as normal as pouring the teapot in the morning. He quickly but eloquently moved over his friend, embraced him, put something in his mouth to stop him biting his tongue and just sat and held him close, while the fit subsided.
He then looked up to the man reading the Bible and said "Sorry, this happens so often, maybe three or four times a day".
The man with the Bible said in surprise "You must be a great friend"?
The other man replied "Well....I am not anybody really, just a man who knows what he has got to do"
He then proceeded to tell a story about the war. This then immediately answered the question as to why they both looked like worn men.
When I was in France, fighting the enemy I got shot, so bad that I could not move. I thought my number was up. This is it. But my friend here in my arms, came to me or better yet crawled over to me and dragged me back to the trench where we came from. Just inches before we could get into the trench an incendiary bomb fell next to my friend going off in his face. We both survived but ever since that day, he has had these fits. We were both shipped back to Blighty. When we got back and were fixed up, we were sent home. My friend however had no friends or family, yet these fits would be with him forever. I knew that I had to help him, because he did so much for me. He saved me and I must keep on saving him. I quit my job moved to London and now live with him.
As soon as he finished the story their stop arrived, so the two young worn men left.
The guy with the Bible sat stunned and thought of Jesus. He went to the Cross for me, for my sake. What would I do for him?

Friday, 2 April 2010

The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ

Well the new Phillip Pullman book is coming to town! The new anti Christ, not anti Jesus book.
Will it be another book with the same argument but with a new pretty cover(I actually think the cover is a bit dull.)

Please read the Damaris review by Tony Watkins(A living Master, might I add.)

Wednesday, 31 March 2010

Blind Side

The Blind Side, I would say is this years smash Hit! Its is that good. I loved the film and saw it twice. Lets have a little look at it.
Firstly I would like to quote a friend. When we walked out the Cinema, I asked the standard question about liking the film. She said "It was good to see a film with the Christians being portrayed as normal". What a great quote. I'm not starting a discussion on whether that should be so or what, but the baseline statement is true. Christians are generally portrayed in poor light. Not always but sometimes.....
Yet however the film did have some funny moments, with at one time Bullock offering Micheal, the guy she offered a place to sleep a bedroom. Also how she had to find a room. This is funny for one reason in that she lived a massive mansion, with two kids? How hard can it be?
The film is based on a true story, with a family taking a young black boy from the slums into their home to live and eventually become part of their family. This idea is just what Jesus spoke of in his parable of the Sheep and Goats.
"Come, blessed of my Father, inherit the Kingdom prepared for you from the foundation of the world; for I was hungry, and you gave me food to eat. I was thirsty, and you gave me drink. I was a stranger, and you took me in. I was naked, and you clothed me. I was sick, and you visited me. I was in prison, and you came to me."
Should we be living a more outrageous love style to our fellow man? Or is this too extreme?
We don't know the motives of the women(Bullock), but whatever the reasons are; at the end of the film, she says that she has God to thank for him and what he did to her and her family. I'm sure that her Christian Faith had something to do with it. I think though the film shed this fact in a good and positive light, but perhaps more emphasis would be good?
The film was a classic feel good film, based on a true story. I would hugely recommend it. 8/10

Trusting in the Lord

Yesterday I was planning to make a PhoneCall to ask whether a guy would give me a job, and the Holy Spirit prompted me to read a little Devotional Book I picked up in Charlotte Airport USA. Its called Jesus Calling. SO I picked it up and went to the 30th March. This is what it said:
I am taking Care of you. Trust me at all time. Trust me in all circumstances. Trust me with all your heart. When you are weary and everything seems to be going wrong, you can still utter these four words "I trust you Jesus". By doing so, you release matters into my control, and you fall back into security of my everlasting arms.
Before you arise from your bed in the morning, I have already arranged the events of your day. Everyday provides many opportunities for you to learn my ways and grow closer to me. Signs of my presence brighten even the dullest day when you have eyes that really see. Search for me as for hidden treasure. I will be found by you.
Proverbs 3:5, Deuteronomy 33:27, Jeremiah 29:13-14.
The guy on the phone had no job or anything to offer. Maybe we should be on the lookout for times when God speaks so clearly in our lives all the time and not just at pivotal moments?

Monday, 29 March 2010


Over the last few weeks I have been very good and been getting my study reading done on time. But I have been struck with a certain Doctrine that makes me cry out in Praise and perhaps write a book(maybe! LOL)
Adoption!!!! We as Christians are Adopted, loved and part of the Family of God. You might be thinking, well that is good, but its not new. Well maybe something I found out might change that.
God did not have to Adopt us!! Saved us yes, but not adopt. As much as he did not NEED to save, he did and the same goes for Adoption.
In Ephesians we see this truth
Eph 1:5 In love he predestined us for adoption through Jesus Christ, according to the purpose of his will.
Jhn 1:12 But to all who did receive him, who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of God.

We are now Children of God, adopted into His Family, WE ARE FAMILY. Words cannot describe the glory of this truth.

We have seen that God did not need to do this in:
Gal 3:26 for in Christ Jesus you are all sons of God, through faith
1Jo 3:1-2 See what kind of love the Father has given to us, that we should be called children of God; and so we are. The reason why the world does not know us is that it did not know him. Beloved, we are God's children now, and what we will be has not yet appeared; but we know that when he appears we shall be like him, because we shall see him as he is.

Being In Christ, gives us this privilege of being a Child of God. But is was possible for God to save us and and yet not be members of His Family. Angels are like this apparently, Heb 2:14-16. We are helped the Angels are not, says the writer of the Hebrews.

Lets look at what we have because of this.
We can call God "Father", he loves us and understands us. He has compassion on us and so joins us in his Suffering and we in His. Takes care of our needs and gives us gifts on Earth and Heaven. We have Him living with us, and he is with us always, as a parent should be. We are disciplined as Children, he rebukes and corrects us because is a simply a parent who cares and loves his Children. He gives us a Family to us all. A first family for some and a new for others. Also like Children Please their parents, we too can please our "Daddy" in Heaven and he rejoices over us. His thoughts towards us as countless as the sand on the sea shore.
A forgiver or Sins!

Lets remember this Brothers and Sisters.

A Tyrant Child to a Loved Child of God

In the evening, of the Sunday night at Above Bar Church, a conversation started that took my attention completely. I was talking about how to ride a Bike, and how so many people can't. It always seemed to me a standard Childhood experience, that most people have. But.........I was proved wrong. We forget the variety of Childhood experiences we as individuals have. My Childhood suddenly came into the conversation, to which I cannot remember how, but I have story, that I would love to share.
As a Child my father passed away from Lung Cancer when I was about 5years old. I didn't know how to grieve; but I did as if by nature assume the Male Dominance role. My mother had a Boyfriend called "Teddy", to whom I hated. I can only explain it in that he walked onto my patch, my pride and my home. Therefore War was declared, with unilateral approval.
I swore, hit and made him feel rubbish as much as I could. Every opportunity I got I made his life a misery and most likely my mothers too. Can this behavior be excused? Understood maybe, but not excused. It was a violated of trust and a show of utter hatred to a man I hardly knew. Now I have a story that should bring a smile to your face, but also a cry or two.
One day he came round, and I obviously decided that calling him names etc was not working. So I had to up the warfare. I decided to sabotage his car. I came to him with a smile and being all nice, to which he must of thought something was up? But allowed me to clean the car. So after getting the Hosepipe out to clean the car, I stuck the pipe up his exhaust. You can imagine the rest.
Shortly after my Mum and Teddy were no longer together, other reasons were part of it also.
But what is the point of me telling you this? Well, over the next few years things started to change, life took a turn for the worse. But fast forwarding a bit, God came into the picture. He came and changed me and adopted me. What Joy!!!! He came and took a tyrant child and lavished his Love on me. I still make many mistakes and need to be forgiven as many as Seventy Times Seven a day, but God is the Father of me the Prodigal Son. I am loved and adored. This is my story, or at least a part of it. I would like to say sorry to Teddy, what I did was wrong, if I ever see you again, please forgive me. Because I forgive you as I have been forgiven.

Thursday, 25 February 2010

Argentina brings the Falklands to the UN

Since the war in 1982 that claimed thousands of lives and saw the one of the quickest Military mobilization in British History, the Thatcher Government sent with intent to cite any Argentine force back to its borders. Thatcher herself declared in a statement to the Commons, "For the first time for many years, British Sovereign Territory, has been invaded by a foreign power".

A powerful and striking quote, nevertheless the response was quick and forceful. Many have thought the pursue of the Islands by the state of Argentina was for pure access into the realm of South Antarctica, which will have extensive oil reserves and land mass, once the ice has melted.

The Island recently have begun drilling for Oil in the south Atlantic, provoking Argentina to strong diplomatic talks with the UN and hopefully in their case the UK.

Even though Argentina promised no military action would be taken, two interesting points have been made to the UN. Britain is a permenant member of the security council and to quote the BBC report,

"At the summit, Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva urged the UN to debate Argentina's claim to sovereignty.

"What is the geographic, the political or economic explanation for England [sic] to be in Las Malvinas?" he asked.

"Could it be because England is a permanent member of the UN's Security Council [where] they can do everything and the others nothing?"

I do find this statement rather amusing, because he says "England" is a permanent member of the council. Under Union law in the UK, only the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland are in the UN. All four member states/kingdoms are present in the UN, not just England.
However is this point relevant? I think so....even though I do not agree with the Argentine governmental idea on this matter at all. Does the UK and other permanent members have too much control at the UN? Is this an issue? What does it depend on?

However the greedy search for oil is on and even though the UK is right to claim possession over this oil through its sovereignty laws and status'(not minding how the islands were acquired in the first place), its search is a symbol of modern decadence
and dependence on oil.

Will we see further action on a Military scale or will this die down and be forgotten?

Tuesday, 23 February 2010

An Airbrushed Future? is that time again and the people of the UK will soon be hitting the polls. Whether this will be a time for a new conservative government or another 5years of Labour is anyone's guess. Most people seem to be thinking a Hung Parliament is going to happen. But I am not so sure.......? Why? Simple! Over the next few weeks the campaigns are really going to get in everyone face.(Including the airbrushed Cameron) People will make decisions and choices, we will have a strong majority government I am sure of that. My guess is at this present time, that it will be a conservative majority. However...previous statements have arisen that seem to say most Economists are pleased with Labours plans and recent policies on the economy.

But! If Labour return, will things get better? Have they run out of steam like the Major government in 97? Or will the Tories return, with a reign of terror and spending cuts?

Monday, 22 February 2010

My Second Blog Attempt!

Hi People!

If you have given me a second chance at this blogging thing, then thanks! I promise to make some real effort to post interesting articles, events, thoughts, provoking statements and truths.

So let the blogging begin...............