Monday 29 March 2010

A Tyrant Child to a Loved Child of God

In the evening, of the Sunday night at Above Bar Church, a conversation started that took my attention completely. I was talking about how to ride a Bike, and how so many people can't. It always seemed to me a standard Childhood experience, that most people have. But.........I was proved wrong. We forget the variety of Childhood experiences we as individuals have. My Childhood suddenly came into the conversation, to which I cannot remember how, but I have story, that I would love to share.
As a Child my father passed away from Lung Cancer when I was about 5years old. I didn't know how to grieve; but I did as if by nature assume the Male Dominance role. My mother had a Boyfriend called "Teddy", to whom I hated. I can only explain it in that he walked onto my patch, my pride and my home. Therefore War was declared, with unilateral approval.
I swore, hit and made him feel rubbish as much as I could. Every opportunity I got I made his life a misery and most likely my mothers too. Can this behavior be excused? Understood maybe, but not excused. It was a violated of trust and a show of utter hatred to a man I hardly knew. Now I have a story that should bring a smile to your face, but also a cry or two.
One day he came round, and I obviously decided that calling him names etc was not working. So I had to up the warfare. I decided to sabotage his car. I came to him with a smile and being all nice, to which he must of thought something was up? But allowed me to clean the car. So after getting the Hosepipe out to clean the car, I stuck the pipe up his exhaust. You can imagine the rest.
Shortly after my Mum and Teddy were no longer together, other reasons were part of it also.
But what is the point of me telling you this? Well, over the next few years things started to change, life took a turn for the worse. But fast forwarding a bit, God came into the picture. He came and changed me and adopted me. What Joy!!!! He came and took a tyrant child and lavished his Love on me. I still make many mistakes and need to be forgiven as many as Seventy Times Seven a day, but God is the Father of me the Prodigal Son. I am loved and adored. This is my story, or at least a part of it. I would like to say sorry to Teddy, what I did was wrong, if I ever see you again, please forgive me. Because I forgive you as I have been forgiven.

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