Friday, 13 August 2010

Getting the Jesus fix!

The day has come, the last Cafe of Mission in Sunny/Rainy old Bournemouth Town.

However one thing has struck me rather a lot this week about the so-called "Jesus fix".

What is the Jesus fix you might ask? Well I would describe the Jesus fix as:-
"A time or moment in which you feel great about a situation that's enabled somebody to hear and respond to Jesus"

A good thing? Yes, no maybe?

Well, it in itself is great and we should rejoice when somebody responds to Jesus, and invites him into their lives as Lord and Saviour.

But...! The catch! Do we just love the feeling or fix of this moment? Are we taking our joy from good experiences instead of the giver and creator of Joy himself(Jesus).

There is a story in Luke's gospel about people who follow Jesus doing great things, and in this case driving out evil spirits. The followers of Jesus are greatly rejoicing in the power they have. But Jesus tells the off for this! He says, "Don't rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in Heaven."

I think we can take a lesson from this. Are we taking our Joy from things that are not God himself? I would argue it is ok to take joy from the work God does, but not to base your whole joy on these. Simply because they are fickle and momentary, whereas Jesus is constant and eternal. Enabling us to have Joy at all times! we like the quick Jesus Fix, or are we looking to the Joy that lasts forever?

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