Monday 14 June 2010

Praying your Heart.

Suffering and Depression is common illness that many if not all feel during their momentary life here on Earth. But if you are a Child of God. There is hope! God is your Father and Divine Parent. A parent who takes you in! A parent who wants to train you in righteousness and justice. He wants you to be like your Big Brother, Jesus. All things that happen to you are for the good. Not for our advancement in life, but for our advancement in becoming more like Christ. This is the best thing that you could want or ask for! Do you agree with me?

I have gone through some bad stuff and still do and will do! But I remember my Heavenly Father, who I dare to call Abba Father, or Close Dad! I dare to approach the throne of Grace and ask for help! I boldly claim the Crown through Christ my own! We as his Children are in the Throne-room of Heaven, closer to the Father than you could ever know!

But my question for us as Children is this. Do we treat Our Father as Father or scared to approach because he is 'Holy Holy Holy' What if I told you both are true! Yes God is Holy Holy Holy, but he is also Father, close and personal!

God asks you this question.....
"Am I a God at hand, declares the Lord, and not a God far away?" Jeremiah 23:23.

What is your answer? How do you know him? Close or Far? He tells you he is close!

So let's be honest with our Father, let us no longer mock him by not telling him what is on our hearts! Because he already knows! But he wants you to trust Him in spilling your heart to him today and forever! God listening to you is like a sweet smell to Him! If you dare to think your prayers aren't sweet to God, then remember this...
"Another angel, who had a golden censer, came and stood at the altar. He was given much incense to offer, with the prayers of all the saints, on the golden altar before the throne." Rev 8:3

I leave you with a prayer from Canon Bob Smith, a man who prayed his Heart! Let us do the same...........

Son of Man, tempted at all points as I am, yet sinless, I turn in desperation to you. I feel so hemmed in. The tunnel of life before me is black and has no exit. I am so frustrated, so utterly imprisoned. The future is one of unrelieved gloom, an endless prayer-wheel of sameness, a mere joyless, soulless existence!

You Lord, you seem so distant and far away, unmoved by and uninvolved in my plight! To feel your absence is the deepest Hell, the unkindest cut of all. O God my rock, why have you forsaken me? Why must I be at the mercy of my enemies?

Lord, you know me as no other and you fully understand me. This I believe, despite all my doubts. Divine Deliverer, I want to grasp the nettle of my depression. I long to be freed from my narrow-eyed calculation, my loveless, merciless criticism; my ugly suspicions; my engendered unforgiveness; my consuming bitterness; my deep sense of hopelessness. Most of all, Lord, my consuming fear of being unwanted, unloved and rejected!

Son of Man, flesh of my flesh, bone of my bone, have mercy on me. Help me to receive in the right spirit of haunting, devastating depression. Assist me as I face these unwelcome experiences of life which come to me with your permission, or are sent to me under your direction.

Son of Man, who knows me, loves me, cares for me and who alone can help me, I come - I come to you!

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