Tuesday 17 August 2010

Jerry Bridges on Grace

Your worst days are never so bad that you are out of the reach of God's grace. And your good days are never so good that you are out of the need of God's grace.
Jerry Bridges, Discipline of Grace.

I think sometimes we need to move away and kill the Good Day and Bad Day style of living. We need to remember that God treats us according to his Grace in Christ Jesus. There is nothing we can do as his Children, to make him love us less or more. Just because we had a great day does not mean we deserve his blessings. The same is also true, that when we have a bad day we don't deserve his blessings and need to earn it. We never deserve anything from God, but because he is rich in Love, Mercy and Grace, he gives us all things.

So whenever we ask for something, remember that we ask according to Grace, never works. How much more joyful we would be if we approached our God who sits on a Throne of Grace, instead of coming to the god satan creates in our mind who sits on a Throne of Works!

Thank you Father that by your grace we are free to call you Father and ask for things!

Friday 13 August 2010

Getting the Jesus fix!

The day has come, the last Cafe of Mission in Sunny/Rainy old Bournemouth Town.

However one thing has struck me rather a lot this week about the so-called "Jesus fix".

What is the Jesus fix you might ask? Well I would describe the Jesus fix as:-
"A time or moment in which you feel great about a situation that's enabled somebody to hear and respond to Jesus"

A good thing? Yes, no maybe?

Well, it in itself is great and we should rejoice when somebody responds to Jesus, and invites him into their lives as Lord and Saviour.

But...! The catch! Do we just love the feeling or fix of this moment? Are we taking our joy from good experiences instead of the giver and creator of Joy himself(Jesus).

There is a story in Luke's gospel about people who follow Jesus doing great things, and in this case driving out evil spirits. The followers of Jesus are greatly rejoicing in the power they have. But Jesus tells the off for this! He says, "Don't rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in Heaven."

I think we can take a lesson from this. Are we taking our Joy from things that are not God himself? I would argue it is ok to take joy from the work God does, but not to base your whole joy on these. Simply because they are fickle and momentary, whereas Jesus is constant and eternal. Enabling us to have Joy at all times!

So...do we like the quick Jesus Fix, or are we looking to the Joy that lasts forever?

Wednesday 11 August 2010

Knowing Love?

Recently I have been on the job hunt, and had some interviews, good discussions and conversations about possible employment. All things that should bring me encouragement. However, alas, the further I go the more discouraged I get.

The long drawn out waiting on God is almost at a point of being unbearable. I wait, yet still there is no blessing. I pray and the Heavens remain silent. I cry to Abba, and the voice of support booms no response.

I understand that I live a very blessed country, full of food and treasures of various worldly natures. To this end I believe I am grateful.

David Pickard, an OMF missionary came to speak about East Asian Cultures today, to which I might add was great. However the phase he said that struck me most, was no about Asia. It was about the "realness" of the Gospel of God.

Is it real? Does it work? These were the questions people in Thailand were asking and I think its a question many ask about God and his word/gospel.
Does it work?

He told many stories of God's power working in Asia and wonderful miracles happening all over the place! This was a delight and it got me thinking about the UK and little old me.

Does it work here?

With this job hunt, I've been facing many horrible times of despair and grief in my unemployment and even questioned my purpose, or use in this world.

But...one thing remains, a truth that I believe proves the Gospel works.

I am convinced of the Love of God, through Christ, and that God Our Father loves me as much as he Loves the Son of God. If this is true, then the plan and purpose of my life is one destined and controlled by the Fatherheart Love of God.

I may not been in as much pain as Jesus when he cried "Abba Father", but if Our Father let Jesus go through that because of his Love, then why should my life be any different. Granted, Jesus was going to suffer the Wrath of God for the world on the Cross, but still it was because of Love.

Therefore no matter what we go through, no matter the silence of Heaven we encounter, no matter what suffering and trials we face, we know that the Love of God as Father in Christ will be our greatest Joy, both here and in Eternity.

Without the Gospel my despair could be without hope, yet because of the Gospel it is with Glorious Hope and Assurance of Knowing God as Father and his infinite Love for me!

The Gospel Works!

The God who declares himself the "Great I AM" has my life in his hands!