Monday 19 April 2010

A Ponder on New Word Alive

New Word Alive is over for another year. Wayne Grudem and Jerry Bridges are on their very delayed volcano disturbed flights home. But even though the Big Head Christian Speakers are leaving. The Living God is not. He is risen and he is Here! He is Close to His Children and He Loves us very much.
As I look back on the week, I wasn't sure what to write or even what to ponder on? Sounds silly doesn't it? But I guess what I would like to say is this. As his Children, God does not treat as our sins deserve, he treated his Son as we deserved and us as his Sons. What a joy! What a truth! He will not leave us as Orphans! As I fumble and cry, I know He is faithful and true. Lets not waste our lives, let us remember grace. Let us treat our ministries as Precious Stones. Let us remember we hold in our hands the very word of God, it is our deepest treasure and richest gain. For by the Word of God we are made alive.
I hope to post an interview on here soon, so check back later.

Sunday 11 April 2010


The Best Film of 2010?!

Really? I must say that this opinion of mine here has evolved over the last few days. Purely due to that amount of support it has gained from the Christian Audience. I do run the risk of sounding hypocritical about this, so I say with hand on heart that I do NOT plan here to condemn any Christian who enjoyed the film.

Yet......we have issues. Firstly personally one of my favourite films is a Film Called "One Hour Photo". This film has grose and disturbing SeX Scenes and Stalker shots. Yet however the story, message and ambiguity of the film is top of its class. But.....does the very nasty scenes black label this film? I think not, so surely what is the point of this post for Kickass?

The film is not sold or marketed as a Drama or Thriller, it is a Action Comedy, to which it is fully in it's right. I am annoyed and shocked to hear that people say this film deals with "Complex Issues". At least three people have suggested this. I think this is wrong and horribly justified.

I would agree that their are issues, such as the Batman Wannabe Father literally projectile vomits his lust for revenge and murder upon his child daughter. To whom might I add is completely messed up and twisted to the very extreme. So yes the issue of laying your sick burdens on children will have catastrophic consequences.

People will argue that there are more issues, yet they are few and far between. Not even worth another sentence. We come now to the main attraction of the film. The violence. People love it. Now again I do enjoy some violent films, some even to the point of weird. But Kickass is a whole different ballgame. I can safely say that any film with child abuse or sexual violence is a no go, Kickass is not to this extreme, but it does have a problem with child representation in a violent manner. Kickass is however the personification of this apathy to the wonder of Childhood innocence. Kickass' main character is a child with exceptional fighting, defense and martial art skills. Again nothing wrong with that. The girl however is shown as a mass killer, foul mouthed and abusive control freak. She was robbed of all innocence and dignity.
Jesus says in Mark "But if you cause one of these little ones who trusts in me to fall into sin, it would be better for you to be thrown into the sea with a large millstone hung around your neck." Now the context is those who believe in him, I understand this. Also the girl actor might not be a Christian, but I think we can read into this that the value Jesus places on Children is titanic. Children should not be in this type of role at anytime. EVER!

I have the same issue with films such as the Exorcist, at least this film was banned for a substantial amount of time.

Please do not misunderstand me, Kickass was a funny film with enjoyable bits. But I do think people should wake up to the Child exploitation of this genre. Since this is the case in Kickass, I cannot ever recommend any person on this living Earth to go and see it.

Saturday 10 April 2010

Job Interviews

Here is a little bit on what John Piper might say to someone who is job hunting or applying for a Job.

Monday 5 April 2010

Worn Men

A man was on a train, he was reading his Bible, trying to seem if anything in this book was real or better yet vaguely believable? One day as he was reading about the Crucifixion of Jesus two men came into the same carriage cart as he. They were young, yet seemed like they lived for decades more. They were close, a friendship that only few ever witness or blessed to be part of. They sat in silence, as if waiting for something. But we just don't know what.
The other man after finishing or reaching the maximum of his ability figuring out these two men, returned to the crucifixion.
Suddenly one of the young men started fitting, throwing himself about all over the carriage. His friend acted like this was as normal as pouring the teapot in the morning. He quickly but eloquently moved over his friend, embraced him, put something in his mouth to stop him biting his tongue and just sat and held him close, while the fit subsided.
He then looked up to the man reading the Bible and said "Sorry, this happens so often, maybe three or four times a day".
The man with the Bible said in surprise "You must be a great friend"?
The other man replied "Well....I am not anybody really, just a man who knows what he has got to do"
He then proceeded to tell a story about the war. This then immediately answered the question as to why they both looked like worn men.
When I was in France, fighting the enemy I got shot, so bad that I could not move. I thought my number was up. This is it. But my friend here in my arms, came to me or better yet crawled over to me and dragged me back to the trench where we came from. Just inches before we could get into the trench an incendiary bomb fell next to my friend going off in his face. We both survived but ever since that day, he has had these fits. We were both shipped back to Blighty. When we got back and were fixed up, we were sent home. My friend however had no friends or family, yet these fits would be with him forever. I knew that I had to help him, because he did so much for me. He saved me and I must keep on saving him. I quit my job moved to London and now live with him.
As soon as he finished the story their stop arrived, so the two young worn men left.
The guy with the Bible sat stunned and thought of Jesus. He went to the Cross for me, for my sake. What would I do for him?

Friday 2 April 2010

The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ

Well the new Phillip Pullman book is coming to town! The new anti Christ, not anti Jesus book.
Will it be another book with the same argument but with a new pretty cover(I actually think the cover is a bit dull.)

Please read the Damaris review by Tony Watkins(A living Master, might I add.)