Wednesday 7 September 2011

Mini Film Review: The Art of Getting By.

The Art of Getting by was a film based on the usual "weird loner guy gets the pretty girl" but it had something different too. I think what we can call this difference is emotion. Not just 'cry your heart out' emotion, but emotion that stirs up some long lasting feelings. I came away from this film thinking "Do I respect myself?" The main character George did not respect himself or anyone around him. He was caught up in some sort of depressed yet joyful ignorance of life. He said at the beginning "we all what's the point?". Hence he had no respect for anything. Yet in comes Sally! The pretty and sexy rebel who dares to invade George's life! Why does she do that? We actually never find out, or at least I didn't anyway. What I think I'm getting at here is what does it take to respect ourselves? Either as a Child of God or whoever? What does it take? For the Christian I would say Jesus does, but what about everybody else? Have they found something to make them respect themselves? Or are they George waiting to have that something fall in their lap? We can only respect ourselves when we know who we really are and what someone thinks of us. But that someone has to be totally trustworthy and always right? Does he exist? I'll leave you to answer that...
So in conclusion, a good film with real emotion, but a film that makes me flee from the thoughts and attitudes that George has.

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